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Voice Alert Starter KIT
Starter Kit

Why use VoiceAlert Security Systems?

Ambush is the killer - literally, the killer.

If you have just seconds of warning of an intruder – you have a chance; and the more time you have, the better your decisions in protecting yourself and not under-reacting (and being attacked) / over-reacting (and putting yourself in legal jeopardy).

58% of all robberies occur between 5pm and 11pm; when your burglar alarm is probably turned off. The first you (the victim) know(s) of an intruder is when you’re ambushed. And, the shocking reality-check is this; the line between a simple robbery and an aggravated assault is a very thin one.

The fact is; what you need the instant an intruder trespasses is good information – not drama. Your alarm, good as it is at protecting your valuables when you're out, is too much of an aggravation to use when you’re home.

We all suffer from the “can’t happen to me” syndrome, but, sadly, every day our media is full of victims who were wrong – it did happen to them.

What is most sad is that virtually every robbery and home invasion can be neutralized for a ridiculously small investment. It’s simply not worth taking the risk of not considering your options.

VoiceAlert Alarm Systems are engineered to provide you the early warning that neutralizes attackers & averts tragedy.

What is VoiceAlert?

VoiceAlert Indoor/Outdoor Sensors (security beams) monitor your perimeter and other outdoor areas; and (rather than an irritating siren / meaningless chime) the receiver base unit then intelligently reports any intruder directly to you by replaying your own pre-recorded voice for the triggered zone, e.g.: “Driveway Intruder” or “Someone near the swimming pool

In short: VoiceAlert Security Systems are the world’s simplest, most effective & affordable intruder early warning technology.

Voice Alert Base Unit
Base Unit

How the VoiceAlert Alarm Systems Works

The instant a VoiceAlert Sensor (beam) detects an intruder (outdoors or indoors), it transmits a radio pulse; and the VoiceAlert’s base unit inside the house responds by playing the voice warning (in your own pre-recorded voice) for each zone.

The net effect is that intruders unwittingly ‘announce’ themselves, telling you precisely which zone that they have trespassed.

With the ‘guess-work’ removed from a situation, you are in control to identify the threat and immediately take action – hit the panic button, avoid or confront the intruder(s), lock doors, arm yourself, etc.

VoiceAlert: Receiver & Sensor Benefits:

  • Multiple locations: The portable VoiceAlert receiver is designed to stand on tabletops, on your bedside table or kitchen counter
  • Cost effective and versatile: A single sensor radio pulse can activate an unlimited number of VoiceAlert receivers; simultaneously warning the entire household:> For example a single sensor (security beam) in a driveway can trigger a two VoiceAlert receivers in English (one upstairs and the other downstairs). Simultaneously, the guest house can have a third VoiceAlert that, for instance, plays an Afrikaans (or any other language) warning to those occupants.
  • VoiceAlert is ‘scalable’: You can take the bare-bones minimum VoiceAlert and then upgrade your system by adding new sensors (beams) or components any time you need
  • Versatile: Being wireless, it is extremely simple to implement or relocate sensors (security beams) and (portable) base unit. Allowing you to use the system as a fixture or for temporary applications (on vacation or during construction).
Enthusiastically Embraced by Discovery TV Channel

Producers of the “It Takes A Thief” Discovery Channel program in America requested 2x Voice Alert Systems for evaluation.

The result? Expert security consultants (in the USA) determined that VoiceAlert needed to be used in every show!



Voice Alert Starter KIT

Hoekom VoiceAlert Alarm Stelsel?

As U slegs sekondes se waarskuwing het van toetreders tot U eiendom - het U 'n kans; hoe meer tyd U het, hoe beter is die besluite wat U neem om U en U gesin te beskerm.

58% van alle inbrake gebeur tussen 17:00 & 23:00, en aangesien U dan meestal by die huis is en besig is, is U alarm stelsel heel moontlik afgeskakel. Die lyn tussen 'n gewone inbraak en ernstige aanranding is 'n baie dun lyn.

Meeste mense glo dat goed nie met hulle gaan gebeur nie!

Die feit bly staan - U benodig goeie informasie (en nie drama nie) wanneer 'n inbreker U perseel betree. En vir 'n baie klein bedraggie, kan U dit bekostig om 'n goeie (inliggewende) alarm stelsel by U eiendom op te stel.

Die VoiceAlert Alarm Stelsels is ontwerp om U vroegtydig te waarsku (en presies te sê) van enige gevare op U eiendom.

Verminder die kanse van 'n tragedie!

Wat is 'n VoiceAlert Alarm Stelsel?

VoiceAlert Sensors (Infrarooi Strale) monitor U eiendom (binne & buite - afhangende van waar U die sensors plaas). Wanneer enige van die sensors beweging optel, sal die alarm sisteem U opgeneemde boodskap speel (U neem self die boodskappe wat gespeel moet word op) - bv. "Iemand by die Agterdeur" of "Beweging by die swembad".

Ter opsomming: VoiceAlert Alarm Stelsels is vroegtydige waarskuwing's stelsels wat eenvoudig (maw maklik is om te op te stel), effektief & bekostigbaar is!

Hoe werk die Alarm Stelsel?

Die oomblik wat die VoiceAlert Sensor (straal) beweging (binne of buite) optel, stuur dit 'n "radio-pols" na die VoiceAlert basis eenheid binne die huis. Die Basis Eenheid speel dan 'n opgeneemde boodskap vir die spesifieke area van waar die beweging vandaan kom.

Maw, U weet presies van WAAR die bedreiging vandaan kom, sonder om na "flikkerende" knoppies op U alarm sisteem te kyk.

Aangesien U dan presies weet waar die bedreiging is, kan U die regte besluite ten opsigte daarvan maak (bv. Paniek knoppie, beweeg in die teenoorgestelde rigting, sluit deure, ens).

VoiceAlert - Ontvanger & Sensor Voordele:

  • Verskeie Gebiede: U kan die draagbare VoiceAlert Basis eenheid (Ontvanger) rondskuif afhangende van waar U is (bv. langs U bed; op die kombuis tafel; in U TV kamer)
  • Koste effektief & Veelsydig: 'n Enkele sensor radio pols kan meer as een Ontvanger aktiveer om 'n boodskap te gee. Bv. Sodra enige van die sensors beweging op tel, kan 'n ontvanger in die kamer dit in Afrikaans aankondig & 'n ontvanger in die buitekamer dit in Engels aankondig.
  • VoiceAlert pas by U begroting: U kan met die sisteem met die basiese eenhede begin en opbou soos U begroting U toelaat.
  • Veelsydig: Aangesien die hele sisteem draadloos is, kan die sisteem tydelik of permanent in 'n area geplaas word. Dit kan ookl rondgeskuif word soos U dit benodig.
Entoesiasties Ontvang deur "Discovery" TV kanaal.

Produsente van "It takes a Thief" - 'n Discovery kanaal in Amerika het 2x VoiceAlert Sisteme aangevra vir evaluasie.

Die resultaat? Deskundige Sekuriteits Konsultante (in die VSA) het bepaal dat VoiceAlert in elke episode gebruik moet word.