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Text Alert IIText Alert II 2
What is TextAlert-II?

TextAlert-II wirelessly communicates with VoiceAlert’s range of battery and solar powered PIR and beam detectors (in 8 zones up to 300m away – 1km+ with repeaters) to instantly detect intruders, trigger armed response and siren alarm calls, and simultaneously call & sms multiple cell phoneswarning them with customized zone-by-zone warnings of any intruder e.g. “Driveway INTRUDER, Smith house, 3 Central Drive – be cautious – please assist”.

The value of instant automated warnings sent simultaneously to multiple cell phones cannot be overstated:
Wives and daughters are warned not to enter a potential ambush; neighbours are alerted to lend assistance; head of household is warned to take the necessary action; neighbourhood watch is alerted to come to aid; etc.

How Voicealert-II Works

The instant a WirelessAlert sensor (perimeter beam, dual optic microwave/pir, battery powered outdoor or indoor PIR, door contact, trip wire, etc) detects an intruder (outdoors or indoors), it transmits a radio pulse; and the TA-II base unit inside the house responds by identifying the zone (of 8 zones) and, per the example above, sends a detailed customized sms for that zone out to all recipients for that zone, turning on lights and/or sirens, and calling armed response.

You can configure / setup and manage TextAlert-II’s performance:

  • Via your cell phone – arming and disarming and checking the system status from anywhere in the world…
  • Via the optional 3-button remote control – using it to arm, disarm or send panic warnings

Very easy to install & setup!

TextAlert-II offers an unprecedented level of effortless control and feedback to suit your budget and lifestyle.

TextAlert-II Benefits
  • Instant & detailed pintpointed intruder location detection from any of 8 zones sent via Sms directly to any 16 recipient cell phones.
  • Verification phone calls to all (or some) Sms recipients ensures that recipients won’t miss or sleep through incoming Sms warnings.
  • Elect to have sirens / floodlights / strobe lights / etc. activated.
  • Good, early, pinpoint intruder warnings in the hands of all family members (and neighbours, etc.), eliminates the possibility of ambush crimes. It allows all concerned to either avoid or confront the intruders on one’s own terms and properly prepared and armed.
  • Being wireless, TextAlert-II is quick and easy to set up permanently or temporarily, and then moved and relocated without the need (cost, aggravation, prIIacy breach, etc) for technicians (or wiring).
  • Each zone – what triggers it under what conditions, and how it should react – is managed independently, gIIing you total control and peace of mind.
  • TextAlert-II can be used to protect far more than just your home. Here are some examples:
    - protect boundaries on golf and security estates
    - monitor lIIestock, equipment, assets and boundaries on farms
    - protect yachts, stables and other valuable assets
    - assist neighbourhood watch organisations to monitor greenbelts and pathways that criminals use and ordinary citizens would not normally be on after dark

When you invest in TextAlert-II, your immediate security is met with a minimum investment. You can then respond to new threats by simply adding some of our other easily installable integrated wireless products.

Important Notice:

We strongly advise using MTN Sim-cards for ALL WirelessAlert GSM devices (reason being MTN was designed as a data-network and provides superior performance). If you choose to use a different cellular network, performance of devices may be inconsistent or compromised; and WirelessAlert cannot be held in any way responsible for, or stemming from, non-performance thereof.

Wat is TextAlert-II?

Die TextAlert-II kommunikeer draadloos met VoiceAlert se reeks (battery & sonktrag) PIRs asook met die sein opvangers (in 8 sones, maksimum 300m weg - kan dmv herhalers vermeerder word na 1km) om dadelik enige toetreding tot U eiendom wat dit optel gelyktydig te rapporteer dmv oproepe & sms'e na verskillende selfone (maks 16) toe. U sal dus gespesifiseerde inligting kry oor waar beweging opgetel is - bv. Beweging by die oprit van Smit huis, 3 Sentraal straat - wees versigting."

Die waarde van outomatiese vroegtydige waarskuwings wat by verskillende fone gerapporteer word, kan nie genoeg op geklem word nie.

Vroue & dogters word gewaarsku om sekere ingange to vermy; bure word ingelig indien hulp benodig word; die hoof van die huis kan die nodige aksie wat geneem moet word bepaal; buurtwag word in kennis gestel van die toetredings; ens.

Hoe werk die TextAlert-II?

Die oomblik wat 'n WirelessAlert sensor (buite strale, PIRs & infrarooi strale) beweging (binne of buite) optel, stuur dit 'n radio-pols na die TA-II basis eenheid binne die huis. Die basis eenheid identifiseer die sone (van die 8 sones) waar die bedreiging vandaan kom en stuur dan oproepe/sms'e na verskillende selfone.

U kan die TextAlert-II se stellings verander dmv

  • U selfoon - aktiveer/deaktiveer die sisteem; kontroleer die sisteem se status ens enige plek in die wereld...
  • 'n Opsionele 3-knoppie kontrole - gebruik dit om die sisteem te aktIIeer/deaktIIeer of om paniek waarskuwings te stuur

Baie maklik om op te stel en te installeer!

TextAlert-II bied moeitelose kontrole & terugvoering wat U begroting en leefstyl pas.

TextAlert-II Voordele
  • Onmiddelike en gedetaileerde inligting oor waar toetredings op U eiendom is dmv SMS'e na 16 verskillende selfone
  • Verifikasie selfoon oproepe na of al die fone of sommige van die fone om te verseker dat enige van die ontvangers nie deur die SMS waarskuwings slaap nie
  • U kan dit ook stel dat sirenes / spreiligte / ens geaktiveer word
  • Goeie, inliggewende, spesifieke waarskuwings in die hande van verskillende familie lede (of bure / buurtwag / ens) elimineer die kanse vir hinderlaag aanvalle. Ontvangers van die sms kan dan self besluit hoe hulle die bedreiging wil hanteer (vermy of konfronteer).
  • Aangesien die TextAlert-II draadloos is, kan dit vinnig en maklik permanent of tydelik opgestel word, of rond geskuif word soos dit nodig is, sonder die hulp van tegnikuste, en sonder die irritasie van drade.
  • Elke sone word afsonderlik gehanteer (wat dit aktiveer, hoe dit moet reageer en onder watter omstandighede) - dit gee U die kontrole oor U sisteem en opstelling
  • TextAlert-II kan gebruik word om meer as net U huis te beskerm. Hier is voorbeelde:
  • - beskerm grense op gholf/sekuriteit landgoeds
  • - monitor vee, toerusting, bates & grense op plase
  • - beskerm seiljagte, stalle & ander waardevolle bates
  • - assisteer buurtwag organisasies om areas, padjies, donker hoekies toe monitor

Wanneer U bele in 'n TextAlert-II eenheid, word U onmiddelike sekuriteits behoeftes gedek dmv 'n minimale belegging. U kan dan soos U begroting dit toelaat U sekuriteit sisteem uitbrei met die res van die draadlose produkte wat VoiceAlert bied.

Belangrike Nota:

Ons stel voor U gebruik MTN sim-kaarte vir alle WirelessAlert GSM eenhede. Die rede hiervoor is dat MTN as 'n data-netwerk uitsonderlike diens lewer. As U enige ander netwerk se SIM-kaarte gebruik, kan die diens/sein verskil en VoiceAlert kan nie verantwoordelik gehou word sein probleme nie.